Recent Commercial Posts

Be Prepared: Disaster Readiness Made Simple

6/5/2024 (Permalink)

Being ready for a disaster is easier than you think. While disasters are often unavoidable, educating yourself on how to navigate tough situations can make all the difference.

Prevention is key; the best way to avoid a disaster is to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Here are some tips to help you stay prepared:

1.Regular Safety Checks: Dedicate time each week to check all your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are functioning properly.

2.Evacuation Plan: Create an evacuation plan ahead of time. Ensure your employees know the safest and most efficient ways to exit the building in case of an emergency.

3.Emergency Contacts: Keep an updated emergency contact list accessible to everyone in your organization.

4.Emergency Supply Kit: Assemble an emergency supply kit with essentials such as flashlights, a radio, bottled water, blankets, extra batteries, non-perishable food items, and first aid kit supplies.

If you experience a fire, water, mold, or asbestos disaster, SERVPRO® is here.
We are available 24/7 for all your cleaning and restoration needs, with highly trained professionals ready to assist in your time of need.

Here to Help®

Call us today!

Commercial Buildings Need an ERP

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Has Flooding Affected Your Commercial Building?

Water levels are higher than ever this year. Did your building get affected by the rain and river levels? Have a SERVPRO consultant come out today and set up a free Emergency Ready Plan (ERP) with you today. This plan will help in the event another flood, mold, or fire emergency. Having an ERP in place will help speed up the process, mitigate your total loss, and get your business back on its feet. Also speak with your SERVPRO consultant about our other services like document recovery, deodorization and more.

With a solid ERP in place SERVPRO will have you recovering from any emergencies and back in business as soon as possible

If you have a fire, water or mold emergency, give us a call anytime!

SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We are Ready to Help!

208-523-5365 for Idaho Falls

Commercial Disaster

11/15/2022 (Permalink)

Being ready for a disaster is easier than you think. Although you cannot avoid a disaster, you can educate yourself enough to navigate through the tough situation. The best way to avoid a disaster is to try and prevent the disaster from happening in the first place.

  • Dedicate time weekly checks of all your fire alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Create an evacuation plan of time. Make sure you employees know the correct and safest way to exit the building in case of a disaster.
  • Keep an updated emergency contact list for everyone to have access to
  • Put together an emergency supply kit with items such as flashlights, radio, bottled waters, blankets, extra batteries etc.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster and need help give SERVPRO a call today! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all your cleaning and restoration needs. We have highly trained professionals ready to help in your time of need.

Prepare your business

11/13/2022 (Permalink)

When it comes to your business you can never be too careful in the winter months. Being prepared and planning can make a huge difference when a disaster hits. There are many things you should do to prepare your business for the winter months to come. Make sure to communicate with your employees your emergency plan that way they will already know what to do if a disaster hits. If you are preparing to close your business during normal business hours, then make sure to notify your customers about your dates that you will be closed. Salt the sidewalks in front of your storefront or business to make sure your customers remain safe. Possibly consider buying a generator in case of a power outage. And finally, check and re check fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

We have highly trained professionals ready to help with all your fire, water mold and asbestos needs. We are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call today!

Commercial Water Loss

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

When a business owner has a commercial water loss there are a lot of steps ahead that need to be taken to get the problem fixed quickly and correctly. According the Hartford these are the four steps to take for a commercial water damage.

  1. Identify the source of water damage. Water leaks and intrusions can happen in many places. Some common areas to check are pipes or holes in your roof or walls. You can also work with a local plumber to help identify the source.
  2. If necessary, shut off the water main. If you have a leaking or burst pipe, shut off the water main to prevent more damage.
  3. Immediately contact your insurance company. Notify your insurance company about the water damage as soon as possible. It’s a good idea to also document the damage with photos.
  4. Find a restoration team. You can work with your insurer to find a company specializing in commercial water damage repair. If there’s extensive damage, there may be an emergency service for water extraction or mold remediation available for your business.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster, give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. We have highly trained professionals ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your disaster restoration needs. We are ready to help!

Mold at a commercial building

1/25/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial buildings are just as susceptible to mold as any residential property is. Depending on the business you run, mold can be a major danger. For example, if you own a restaurant and are constantly dealing with water and food mold can be lurking around many corners. Mold thrives in damp, humid and wet conditions. Mold requires water to grow and spread so a restaurant is an ideal breeding ground for mold if you are not careful.

There are however ways to prevent mold from growing and spreading in your business. Examples are:

  • Keep humidity levels in as low as possible
  • Be sure there is air flow
  • Fix any leaks you happen to see as quickly as possibly.
  • If you have a fire, water, mold or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. Our trained professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

If you have a fire, water, mold or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. Our trained professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Fire at a commercial property

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

When a commercial business has a fire there are many things to consider. How did the fire start? Could it have been prevented? Is there anything that is salvageable? How soon can my business by back up and running? What will the insurance cover? All of these questions will be answered soon enough by the investigators as well as the insurance company.

It can be a very scary time for business owners especially with all of the unknowns. There are steps however that will help you during this time.

  1. Take steps to prevent further damage if possible
  2. Notify your insurance company asap
  3. Try and take inventory (pictures) of damaged items and non-damaged items
  4. Let the fire department and investigation team finish their investigation before touching anything
  5. Call a restoration company to start getting your business back in working order.

If you have a fire, water, mold or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. Our trained professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Commercial content cleaning

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

After a business has a fire and all of the investigations are finished there is still a lot to do! One of the major things SERVPRO does as a cleaning and restoration company is Contents Cleaning. After a fire, the soot and smoke tend to saturate your belongings making them almost unnoticeable anymore. SERVPRO has trained cleaning professionals who know just how to restore your more most valuable belongings.

What is content cleaning? Content cleaning is done by highly trained professionals who have experience in cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing your belongings. There are many different reasons for you to need us to clean your contents. A few being items that were damaged as a result of mold, water, sewage, smoke etc.

If you have a fire, water, mold or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. Our trained professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Mold at a warehouse

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial properties experience all of the same disasters a residential home does. That includes Water, Fire, Mold and Asbestos disasters! One disaster that we come across quite often and is sometimes completely unavoidable is mold! Especially in dark damp factory settings, mold always seems to find its way in and begin to spread. There are a few tips and tricks we would like to share that may help keep that pesky mold out!

  1. Clean up leaks right away when you see them
  2. Monitor your humidity levels
  3. Remove contaminiated items safely or call a professional
  4. If you see mold call a professional right away to take care of the problem

If you have a fire, water, mold or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. Our trained professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Hot and Humid

10/28/2021 (Permalink)

Recently we were called out to a loss for possible mold sitting in a large and very old warehouse building. In an environment that is constantly hot and humid paint and other products sometimes will start to fail making the protective barrier that the paint provided to the wall almost nonexistent. In this case the paint began to fail causing a possible microbial spotting underneath.

Knowing how quickly mold can spread and cause an even bigger problem we set up containment immediately and got to work. In our confined space we set up air scrubbers inside so that it would create negative air pressure and filter out anything that shouldn’t be present inside. We also do testing to always ensure that it is not dangerous to anyone around.

If you have a fire, water, mold, asbestos or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today! We have highly trained professionals ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you with you cleaning and restoration needs. 

Ten plus floors affected

7/15/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO recently was called out to an apartment complex where they had experienced a terrible water loss that affected over ten plus units.  The culprit? A leaking/running toilet.

There are many reasons that a toilet would be leaky or runny. One of the most common reasons for this would be an old flapper. Flappers get old overtime causing them to not seal correctly anymore. Replacing the flapper is an easy fix that one can usually do on their own. If you do not feel comfortable, please call your local professional for help.

If this leaking is not caught in time it can result in a huge headache for home owners and property owners. Water is so incredibly sneaky and can really find every crevis, crack and cranny possible. If you find that you have standing water in your home or business it is extremely important to call your local professional. This standing water can result in mold which is not something you want in or around your home or business.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today. Our highly trained professionals are ready to help day or night. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your cleaning and restoration needs.

Back up and running

2/2/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO works with a lot of commercial properties all over Southeast Idaho. We handle water, fire, and mold disasters. It is all about timing when it comes to commercial properties. It is all about getting them back up and running so they can continue to make money. We have very strategic plans set into place so that we can always preform their jobs quickly and efficiently. With that being said, we know that having our crews always up to date on training is extremely important.

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We have highly trained and certified professional ready to help! If you do have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO of Idaho Falls & Rexburg/Rigby a call today (208) 523-5365.

My business caught on fire. What's next?

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

Has your business's building burnt down in a fire? What do you do now? There are different things you should and shouldn’t do when you have experienced a fire within your businesses.

  1. Don’t touch anything
  2. Turn off all utilities
  3. Immediately contact your insurance company
  4. After you are instructed to you can remove your necessary items
  5. Make sure to let your local police department know so they can help prevent vandalism or break ins
  6. You or your insurance company will call a Cleaning and Restoration professional to help you get back up and going.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. We have highly trained professionals who are ready to be there for your home and business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mold where you least expect it!

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial buildings have to deal with almost everything a home would have to including mold. Mold is a touchy subject because unless tested or viewed by a professional you can’t tell how dangerous it can really be. Mold occurs primarily because mold loves damp, dark, wet and isolated spaces. So really almost just about anywhere. Below are some tips on helping to prevent a mold disaster in your business.

  1. Always stay vigilant. Mold is very tricky and sneaky and can hid almost anywhere that is even the tiniest bit damp
  2. Make sure to always make the proper repairs to foundation cracks, leaky roofs, etc.
  3. Dehumidifiers are always a great idea to combat mold growth
  4. Clean clean clean! Try your best to keep your property clean!

If you do have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO of Idaho Falls & Rexburg/Rigby a call today (208) 523-5365.

Water damage in your building

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial buildings have to deal with almost everything a home would have to including water damage. While working on a commercial property this week we found that water had seeped into the cracks through the foundation. Idaho has been dealing with a lot of highs and lows this month which means cold snow followed by melting snow. This can only mean one thing... soppy messes!

When the foundation in your building has a crack or opening water can and will find its way in. Water inside your business should never be ignored. It should be cleaned up immediately and if you feel that it has caused more of a disaster than you can deal with make sure to call a professional to come help. Remember water sometimes leads to mold!

If you do have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO of Idaho Falls & Rexburg/Rigby a call today (208) 523-5365.

Really cool looking mold

11/23/2020 (Permalink)

mold growth on wood Mold growth on wood at a commercial building.

Some of these may look like really cool pieces of art but this is in fact the many faces of mold!

All of these styles of mold were in the same area in a commercial basement of a building we were working on. This one in particular caught our eye because it looks like a beautiful tree.

Mold can come in many different shaped, sizes and colors. Mold is found almost everywhere and can grow in any substance when moisture is present. Mold can reproduce by spores, which is carried by air, when spores land on a moist surface they begin grow. Mold is typically found indoors.

Our highly trained team of professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We strive to always be up to date on the newest training and techniques as well as CDC guidelines. If your business has a fire, water, mold, asbestos, biohazard or COVID disaster, give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365.

The dangerous effects of Asbestos

7/16/2020 (Permalink)

Over the weekend our SERVPRO team removed Asbestos tiles from a local business. Asbestos is extremely dangerous and should be handled quickly and efficiently by trained professionals. Asbestos is a heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral that can be woven into fabrics. And it is used in fire-resistant and insulating materials such as brake linings.

According to, the most common way for asbestos fibers to enter the body is through breathing. In fact, asbestos containing material is not generally considered to be harmful unless it is releasing dust or fibers into the air where they can be inhaled or ingested. Many of the fibers will become trapped in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat where they can then be removed, but some may pass deep into the lungs, or, if swallowed, into the digestive tract. Once they are trapped in the body, the fibers may cause health effects. 

If you suspect you have Asbestos in your home or business please give us a call and we can be there ASAP to keep you safe with our highly trained and certified crew! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Give us a call today at (208) 523-5365.

Mold in the attic

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO found mold in the attic of this commercial building. Just because we found the primary source in the attic, we were not quick to assume that was the only place mold had been growing. We were very careful to check all over the business because we know that mold spores are able to make their way through the smallest openings, traveling from your attic down to your business. 

Whenever you feel that you may have a mold disaster in your home and business you should take the proper precautions asap to help identify and get rid of the problem. You can call a professional to come take a look in your attic or other parts of your home and they will do a thorough inspection. We have special equipment that will find the mold and the source and stop it dead in its tracks.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today. Our specialized technicians are available for all your disaster needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Fire in Jackson Hole, WY

1/17/2020 (Permalink)

Cleaning up after a fire job Cleaning up after a fire job in Jackson Hole, Wy

A Commercial property we worked on in Jackson, WY this year ended in a second business getting smoke damage from its neighbor’s fire. This is a common situation that happens quite often when businesses are close to each other and a fire breaks out.

Smoke damage can affect your home and businesses greatly. After a fire, your home needs to be properly and thoroughly ventilated, this will allow some smoke particles to leave your home or business and prevent them from settling onto other items. Immediately after a fire you should do these things right away.

  1. Call your insurance agent immediately
  2. Call your local SERVPRO so that we can clean up soot, board up the windows, and start any cleaning and restoration that needs to be done.

SERVPRO has specialized fire, water, mold and asbestos damage restoration training and experience to clean up and restore your home as soon as possible. We offer 24-hour emergency services for everyone. Give us a call at (208) 523-5365. We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for all of your cleaning and restoration needs.

Toilet leak

1/17/2020 (Permalink)

Water leak from the toilet. Water leaked from the toilet and caused mold.

We were recently called to an assisted living home where a toilet had leaked and caused water and mold damage. When water causes a leak that you are unaware of mold quickly and swiftly comes marching in to ruin the day.

A water leak in your home can be a cause for alarm, and for good reason. A leak generally means that one of your critical home systems has developed a problem. Paying for the large water bill is only the first expense.

Some leaks are obvious. You may be able to detect moisture on the floor or under a sink that reveals the source of the problem. However, at other times, a leak may develop in a pipe that’s deep within the wall, or it may come from a source somewhat further down the line. In these cases, you may require the help of SERVPRO to detect these hidden leaks.

If you need a fire, water, mold or asbestos professional call SERVPRO today at (208) 523-5365.

Being a part of our community

1/9/2020 (Permalink)

Caliber Home Loans grand opening Caliber Homes Loans grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony.

Recently Melissa E. from our marketing department decided to become a part of the Chamber of Commerce in our local city. She gets to speak with other local commercial businesses locally and share exactly what SERVPRO does with and for our community. She participates in meetings as well as grand opening events for other local businesses ribbon cutting ceremonies. Recently she participated in the ribbon cutting for Hazel Webb – Caliber Home Loans, Inc.

Caliber Homes Loans is a home loan and mortgage company. Their website states “At Caliber Homes Loans, mortgages are our only business…. And out products and services are proof of this dedication. Our specialized approach to home financing enables us to deliver exceptional service during every stage of the process. We understand that you have unique, personal needs and expectations, so we work together to deliver exceptional service and help you close your loan to your complete satisfaction. With a variety of home loan programs, highly competitive pricing, in-house loan processing and our unique, state-of-the-art technology, Caliber Home Loans’ staff of professionals are ready to guide you through the home financing process.”

We find it very important to stay up to date with other local businesses in our community so we are able to build those professional relationships and help one another when we need it.

Workplace cleanliness

11/2/2019 (Permalink)

Ceiling tiles in a restaurants kitchen Getting ready to clean the ceiling tiles in this kitchen

Our crew members Justin, Zach & Austin went and cleaned the ceiling tiles in the kitchen at Olive Garden after hours. We made sure to work on this specific job after hours so that the restaurant could still function normal when open.

According to an online source there are many reasons restaurant kitchens need to stay clean.  The first and most important reasons deal with safety. Clean kitchens reduce the number of pathogens and other illness causing agents to infect the food that will be served to customers.  Having a well-kept kitchen also reduces the number of accidents that occur due to workplace hazards.  Slipping on a banana peel makes for great comedy but in a kitchen environment it will spell disaster and result in serious consequences.

In addition to safety, clean kitchen promotes workplace efficiency and productivity.  Working in a orderly kitchen will make easy for staff to find needed ingredients and complete tasks in a timely manner.  A clean kitchen is inviting.  It makes the employees want to prepare the amazing dishes that they know they can prepare.  It gives them confidence to work in such an environment.

Breweries and crawlspaces

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

1. Keep Moisture Out 

Moisture control is one of the first steps towards having a safe and clean crawl space. As pointed out in The Washington Post, the ground beneath and around your home contains moisture, which ideally, should evaporate back into the atmosphere.

When this fails to happen, the moisture can collect into visible water droplets. But the real problem happens when this water accumulates near wood, causing mold and mildew to grow. If left alone, the mold can be bad enough to compromise the structural integrity of your home.

Good moisture control begins outside the building envelope. For example, gutters are a relatively small investment that can work wonders by directing water away from your home’s foundation. If gutters are impossible or impractical, you can also try landscaping the soil outside the house such that it slopes to direct water away from the building.

2. Inspect and Clean the Interior of Your Crawl Space

Once you’ve eliminated all external sources of moisture, you can then proceed to inspecting the crawl space itself. If you have exposed dirt floors, you should consider sealing it with a moisture retardant like polyethylene. In a guide for the National Post, writer Mike Holmes notes that crawl spaces with dirt floors can lead to problems caused by humidity. Dirt floors can also be infested with bugs.

Regular cleaning will also help keep the crawl space dry and moisture free. If the crawl space has already been “infected” with moisture-caused mold, a professional cleaning service may be necessary to fix the problem. This is especially true if you have a pool of stagnant water in the crawl space, which calls for a perimeter drain.

3. Block Out Rodents and Ventilate

After cleaning your crawl space, the next step is keeping it clean. You can start by making sure any potential entry points for rodents are blocked off. Watch out for small cracks and seams, which—while looking deceptively tiny—are large enough for mice and roaches.

At the same time, you want to make sure your crawl space still has enough ventilation to let it “breathe.” Ventilation in the form of laminated water vapor barriers are excellent solutions for allowing crawl spaces to vent, while still keeping pests out.

4. Insulate the Crawl Space

After installing your vents and water vapor barriers, you can then proceed to installing insulation. Fiberglass batts are by far the most common and popular insulating solution for crawl spaces, and can be install between floor joists. While effective, you might want to consider pairing fiberglass batts with spray foam insulation, although more expensive, spray foam insulation can create a super tight seal against heat transfer and air movement.

A thin layer of spray foam can be enough to fill in the nooks and crannies of your crawl space, which, when paired with the cheaper fiberglass, can keep warm air in and cold air out, and vice versa during the summer. Spray foam also works wonders against moisture damage and mold growth because it’s impermeable to moisture.

Proper insulation not only regulates the temperature of the crawl space, it also helps insulate the rest of the home. During summer and winter, uninsulated crawl spaces are one of the biggest culprits for burgeoning utility bills caused by HVAC systems working harder to fight warm or cold air from escaping from beneath the floor.

It's melting, It's melting!

2/1/2019 (Permalink)

Recently we were on a job where the melting snow had run down the foundation and into basement apartments. Our crews had to extract the water and place equipment in the basement apartments.

When dealing with a water loss we have to work fast. Water can be quite the mischief maker when left alone. Water acts as a breading ground for all sorts of dangers, especially mold!

According to mold is found both indoors and outdoors. Mold can enter your home through open doorways, windows, vents, and heating and air conditioning systems.

Mold will grow in places with a lot of moisture, such as around leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes, or where there has been flooding. Mold grows well on paper products, cardboard, ceiling tiles, and wood products. Mold can also grow in dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery.

If you have a fire, water, mold, or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365

Fire Dangers

1/15/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial fires are very dangerous and can get out of hand extremely fast. There is so many ways that fires can develop. On they have a list of common commercial fire accidents.


Arson is one of the leading causes of fire damage, death, and workplace injuries in commercial buildings. But arson doesn’t just affect business owners or the company. It can injure or kill workers and fire fighters, result in loss of a job for workers, and easily spread to other buildings and public utilities nearby. Arson might be instigated by the owner for insurance purposes, unhappy workers or clients, vandalism, to hide bigger crimes, or by mentally unstable individuals.

Human Errors

Not every fire caused by a human is meant maliciously. A smoldering cigarette or forgotten coffee pot could be the reason behind a human error fire. The risk of fire increases as more people enter the building and use the equipment. The equipment itself is not usually the cause of the fire, but instead the misuse of the equipment.

Water Heaters, Boilers, and Furnaces

While there are strict codes regulating the installation, use, and maintenance of this equipment, sadly it is not always followed. Improper installation and lack of maintenance can trigger a fire in your building. Combustible materials like chemicals, paper and trash should never be stored in the same area as this equipment.

Electrical Fires

Electrical appliances or systems can start a commercial fire, but sadly people are often at the root of this fire as well. When businesses hire unqualified individuals to modify electrical outlets or circuitry, it can lead to problems. Electrical code violations are often committed by unreliable builders or workers. These code violations can lead to fires in your building. Another cause of electrical fires is the electrical equipment itself. Equipment that is misused or overloaded can often cause fires as well as a lack of proper maintenance.

If you have a fire, water, mold, or asbestos emergency give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365

Duct not Duck

1/10/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is now offering duct cleaning! Today the guys went to a local high school and preformed duct cleaning as well as fogging the ducts. It is very important to have your ducts cleaned. We have found a few tips online.

As a rule of thumb, the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) suggests cleaning your ducts every three to five years. There is not a formula for figuring out an exact time period. Rather, professionals have collectively based it on past experience with a wide range of systems. If your HVAC system needs cleaning more than once a year, then there is a problem with the system that is allowing dirt to infiltrate the components.

Quite a few things can contribute to the reasons you may need to clean your ducts. You can deduce that your HVAC system needs to be cleaned based on where you live. The climate in which you live can also determine what may clog your vents or build up in your ducts. Here are some telltale signs you may need professional HVAC duct cleaning:

  • Dusty build-up around the outside of the vent register
  • Excessive debris around the filter area
  • Obviously thick dirt in ducts
  • Noticeable bursts of rubbish exiting supply registers
  • Mold smell present in the air flow from vents
  • Visible vermin infestation or accessing

If you need your ducts cleaned give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365.

Toilet issues

1/9/2019 (Permalink)

We had an unfortunate disaster that happened because of a faulty toilet. It happened to be on the 3rd story of this apartment building and made its way down all the way to the first-floor apartment.

SERVPRO was there, even in the middle of the night, to help with this disaster. Issues like this can likely be avoided if you follow these six warning signs from You may be able to avoid a plumbing disaster.

1.The Sound of Running Water

While you’re certainly supposed to hear running water while you’re washing dishes, doing a load of laundry or taking a shower, you shouldn’t hear it all the time. If you hear running water when you’re not supposed to, there may be a leak somewhere in the house. Examine the exposed pipes to try to locate the leak yourself. Look for visible drips and signs of recent water damage, such as water stains or warped wood under cabinets.

2.Gurgling in the Toilet

Your toilet shouldn’t make noise when you’re not using it. When a toilet gurgles periodically, it’s trying to pull in air. This may indicate that a clog is forming in the pipes. The sooner you address this problem, the easier it is to clear the clog. Getting rid of that developing clog early will help you avoid the dreaded problem of an overflowing toilet.

3.Unpleasant Odors

If your drains are releasing an odor that smells like rotten eggs or sewage, contact a plumber immediately. That rotten egg smell is hydrogen sulfide, which is emitted by sewage and bacterial growth. It may indicate that there’s a leak in one of your sewage pipes or bacterial growth somewhere in your pipe system.

4.Slow Drains

Have you noticed that water pools at your feet while you shower? Or perhaps your kitchen sink fills up with water when you rinse the dishes. Whenever a drain is running slowly, it’s likely that a clog is forming somewhere in the pipes. The most common thing that clogs showers is hair.

5.Low Water Pressure

Many different issues can cause low water pressure. First, check the faucet head to make sure that it’s not clogged. If cleaning the faucet head doesn’t cause the water pressure to return to normal, you may have a leak, a broken pipe or an eroded water line.

6.Corroded Pipes

Check visible pipes for signs of corrosion. You can typically find exposed pipes under your sinks and in your basement. Discoloration or build-up on the pipe is a sign of trouble. Other signs of leakage include water stains and warped wood.

SERVPRO is always here so give us a call day or night for all of your cleaning and restoration needs.

building safety

1/1/2019 (Permalink)

Whether you own your commercial building or are leasing it from another entity, it is always a good idea to have a safety plan in place in the possibility that disaster should strike.

SERVPRO offers a free Emergency Readiness Plan which will help you to determine the safest and quickest way to handle an unforeseen emergency.

Call your local SERVPRO today to set up a time to meet with one of our qualified personnel to go over the needs of your particular structure.

However, there are some things that you can do yourself to reduce that chances that disaster may strike

Before closing for the day, assign someone to check for the following:

Inspect bathrooms for any running water in sinks or toilets

In cooler weather familiarize yourself with any space heaters that may be in use.  If not already done so, unplug them from the wall sockets

When temperatures drop below freezing, set thermostats to an overnight level that will prevent pipes from freezing, ESPECIALLY if this has been a problem in the past

Make note of any tree branches that may be close to windows and have them trimmed down.  Strong winds can cause them to either swing in to the window or fall and break the glass

Make sure that if you have a disaster to give SERVPRO a call at (208) 523-5365

Harsh Weather

7/25/2018 (Permalink)

Harsh weather in Idaho can really do a number on residential and commercial buildings. One of the job we are currently on we are tearing out an overhang that is molding, rotting, and falling apart due to crazy weather conditions.

The most important function for a roof overhang is to help keep water off siding, windows, and doors. I it obviously impossible to stop all the rain from getting to your walls, a wide roof overhang will make a big difference for you. Although, and overhang that might be trying to keep a more than two story building dry will be much less unsuccessful than a one-story building would be.

Replacing an overhang is a big job and should be completed by a professional. There is a lot of important steps and safety precautions that need to be taken before you can even get started. Weather is always a factor as well when you are doing an outside repair. Rain, wind, snow and hail seem to be tricky and sneaky all at the same time.

Our employees are highly trained and are devoted to staying safe and keeping others safe. The have continued education available to all employees as well as training that allows them to continue to learn while working with SERVPRO. We are dedicated to having the most experienced and safe employees possible.

If you need a professional to help with your disaster, call SERVPRO at (208) 523-5365. We will make look “Like it never even happened”.

Commercial Building Safety

1/30/2018 (Permalink)

Whether you own your commercial building or are leasing it from another entity, it is always a good idea to have a safety plan in place in the possibility that disaster should strike.

SERVPRO offers a free Emergency Readiness Plan which will help you to determine the safest and quickest way to handle an unforseen emergency

Call your local SERVPRO today to set up a time to meet with one of our qualified personnel to go over the needs of your particular structure.

However, there are some things that you can do yourself to reduce that chances that disaster may strike

Before closing for the day, assign someone to check for the following:

Inspect bathrooms for any running water in sinks or toilets

In cooler weather familiarize yourself with any space heaters that may be in use.  If not already done so, unplug them from the wall sockets

When temperatures drop below freezing, set thermostats to an overnight level that will prevent pipes from freezing, ESPECIALLY if this has been a problem in the past

Make note of any tree branches that may be close to windows and have them trimmed down.  Strong winds can cause them to either swing in to the window or fall and break the glass

The Power of Water

1/11/2018 (Permalink)

Many businesses in West Yellowstone Montana close for the winter due to low tourist attendance.

This hotel owner had taken a few days off to relax in the warmth of the Nevada sun and returned to a 5 room disaster!!!!

A hose leading to one of the sinks had broken while he had been away.  The force from the water running for 3 days had actually bore a hole into the opposite wall.

SERVPRO responded quickly to the call, however the water had caused substantial damage to the initial room and flooded 4 other rooms as well.  In the initial room the water had wicked up the walls as high as 7 feet.

The grateful hotel owner was gracious enough to provide one of the hotel rooms for our staff to stay in while they completed the job.

Be Diligent Test for Asbestos

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

Although asbestos is for the most part no longer used in construction and manufacturing, many buildings today still retain traces or even large quantities of asbestos. Particularly in older buildings, testing for and identifying this asbestos is an important job, but one that is unfortunately neglected by many business owners. Failing to test for asbestos when making renovations or restorations to a building can cause long-term negative health effects for restoration professionals, customers, and even yourself, creating a legal and financial disaster large enough to ruin most businesses. There are specific Federal regulations mandated by the EPA regarding renovating buildings, and asbestos abatement. SERVPRO provides certified asbestos testing to ensure the safety of our technicians and your customers alike.

Testing is not only advisable for practical reasons, but also for legal ones. Failing to test for asbestos can lead to steep fines and regulatory penalties, regardless of whether or not the substance is present. OSHA has explicit guidelines in place regarding demolition or renovations of commercial structures, especially schools, and other municipal buildings. Furthermore, if a customer or employee gets sick as a result of untested asbestos, you may be at risk of a costly and difficult lawsuit. Federal and state authorities alike take this process seriously, which is why it is always recommended to hire a certified company like SERVPRO to complete the task. 
SERVPRO is certified in asbestos testing and guarantees a fast and efficient process for your business. 

Cleaning Up Your Business After a Water Disaster

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage at commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether SERVPRO is dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you eed.

SERVPRO specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at the SERVPRO corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

It pays to go to work on Saturday

12/13/2017 (Permalink)

When Good Pipes Go Bad!!!!

Recently a local tax company came in to work on a Saturday morning to find water in various rooms but no sign of leakage that they could immediately see. 

Using their SERVPRO Emergency Ready Plan they turned off the main water line and contacted our local franchise.  While they waited for the arrival of SERVPRO the business owner was dismayed to find that the water still seemed to be coming into their building. 

Upon their arrival our technicians discovered that the CITIES main waterline had burst and was flooding not only the current structure but two other businesses in the complex as well. 

A quick call to City Dispatch and the other tenants helped to ward off what could have been a costly weekend disaster.  Although the damage was certainly significant it could have been even worse had the tenants not found the damage until Monday morning.

So a good tip is to make sure that your ERP also includes the phone numbers for your local City Dispatch or Water Works Department, and, other business tenants sharing your building space.

Restoring Your Commercial Property After a Water Damage Event

7/25/2017 (Permalink)

Water damage events at commercial properties present their own unique challenges, and can be very stressful. Our staff understands the importance of getting your commercial property up and running as fast as possible.

When we arrive at your property we bring 10 years of experience with commercial property damage with us. We have the necessary resources to handle any job, large or small. Our trained professionals work quickly to assess the situation, isolate the damaged area, and start work immediately. Time is always of the essence to minimize damage, and to resume operations as soon as possible. Your local SERVPRO has access to large loss teams specifically trained and ready to go in event of a large loss.

If your commercial property experiences a water damage event call us so we can put our experience and resources to work for you.

Commercial Water Extraction for Island Park Businessess

2/8/2017 (Permalink)

Island Park Water Intrusion to a Print Shop Can Cause Damage

Island Park Damage Is Often Caused by Wall, Call SERVPRO

Once water damage has struck your business, the first action is to remove it immediately. Standing water can permanently destroy carpets, floors, and walls if not dealt with quickly. In many situations, though, that is not enough.

Water extraction, especially in commercial structures is a needed procedure for many Island Park businesses. It is this process that removes water from carpets to keep bubbles from forming underneath, stop glue from dissolving and prevent mold from expanding and growing. SERVPRO has the equipment and experience to stop all of this and more.

For print shops and other businesses that deal in paper products, this process is also necessary to reduce the overall levels of moisture in the air. Although paper quickly falls apart when exposed to water, reducing the humidity inside the structure saves items that are not otherwise damaged.

To do this, our technicians use air movers, dehumidifiers, exhaust fans and specially designed heaters. The dehumidifiers extract water directly from the surrounding atmosphere, which prevents it from damaging finished product and stock items. Air movers and exhaust fans draw air from a single location and circulate it throughout the facility and eventually to the outside. Circulation helps the dehumidifiers perform more efficiently as moisture is removed with the air away from paper stocks as well as the floors and walls of the structure.

The commercial grade heaters can be set to safely raise the temperature in a variety of spaces from a small stockroom to a large showroom or customer service area. Besides the reduction in physical damage to stocks and finished products, this combination of equipment to lower the moisture levels also stops mold growth.

As these machines are set up, other team members work with the business owners to examine which damaged property needs removal. Everything that has been underwater typically must be thrown out. Water is absorbed quickly, and even a stack of paper and other product can be useless in a matter of hours once covered with water.

Pulling standing water out of a structure takes care of many issues when it comes to restoration. It does not stop all problems, though, and further actions are needed. SERVPRO of Rexburg / Rigby has the experience and equipment to completely remove and dry your business to reopen for your customers. Call us today at (208) 356-0263 to get started.

Commercial Crime Scene Cleanup in Rexburg

1/10/2017 (Permalink)


SERVPRO Has Advanced Training in Crime Scene Cleanup

When you own a business, the last thing you would want to deal with, or even think of, is some sort of crime scene happening on your property. However, sometimes the unthinkable does happen. If you own a movie theater, hotel, church, restaurant or any other location and a mass trauma occurs in your building, there will be many things going through your mind and the building itself including police officers, sirens, ambulance, forensic investigators, distraught workers and terrified people, leaving you at a loss of what to do. At SERVPRO, we can help you. We deal with all different kinds of traumas, and our team of supportive staff can help guide you and your business back to a normal path of operations.

A very important aspect of taking care of a commercial crime scene is cleanup. This isn’t cleanup that any of your Rexburg workers should be doing. It is doubtful they would be quite the same after seeing the scene, both physically and mentally. A mass trauma with signs of struggle and blood shouldn’t be seen by people as much as you can help it, as it will only do harm. Contact our professional team at SERVPRO instead. We will clean up all the body fluids, blood and any other remnants of the trauma to make the location safe and clean once again. Our team members are IICRC certified and receive intensive ECTP, Employee Certification Training Program supplemental education. Even though many might be shaken up after what happened, you can make sure that there is no remaining danger once the criminals are caught, and the chaos has calmed down.

If you have contacted our SERVPRO team because of a recent trauma at your company, we won’t try to understand what you are going through, but we can offer some comfort by cleaning up the area in disarray as soon as possible. We are experienced, professional, and certified, and once our cleanup process is completed, and before we leave, we will give you a certificate which guarantees the safety of the trauma-stricken area. These things can be quite unforgettable, and we’d like to assist you in getting through it. Do not even consider cleaning it yourself, as we are here anytime that you need and we’ll take care of all the cleanup ourselves with our professional equipment and cleaners.

Give SERVPRO of Rexburg/Rigby a call if your commercial building has suffered a trauma. We are a biohazard and crime scene cleanup remediation company and will come and do the cleanup that is required after a crime or an accident. We’ll clean up, remove biohazards, sanitize and restore your property to its original state when you give us a call at (208) 356-0263.

Why Testing for Asbestos Before Making Commercial Renovations to Your Diggs Property is Prudent

12/12/2016 (Permalink)

Asbestos Abatement Is Safely Handled By SERVPRO for Your Diggs Business

SERVPRO Is a Qualified Asbestos Abatement Service Provider

Although asbestos is for the most part no longer used in construction and manufacturing, many buildings today still retain traces or even large quantities of asbestos. Particularly in older buildings, testing for and identifying this asbestos is an important job, but one that is unfortunately neglected by many business owners. Failing to test for asbestos when making renovations or restorations to a building can cause long-term negative health effects for restoration professionals, customers, and even yourself, creating a legal and financial disaster large enough to ruin most businesses. There are specific Federal regulations mandated by the EPA regarding renovating buildings, and asbestos abatement. SERVPRO provides certified asbestos testing to ensure the safety of our technicians and your customers alike.

Legal Reasons
Commercial asbestos testing for Driggs businesses is not only advisable for practical reasons, but also for legal ones. Failing to test for asbestos can lead to steep fines and regulatory penalties, regardless of whether or not the substance is present. OSHA has explicit guidelines in place regarding demolition or renovations of commercial structures, especially schools, and other municipal buildings. Furthermore, if a customer or employee gets sick as a result of untested asbestos, you may be at risk of a costly and difficult lawsuit. Federal and state authorities alike take this process seriously, which is why it is always recommended to hire a certified company like SERVPRO to complete the task.
Health Reasons
In addition to laws on the subject, testing for asbestos should be a major consideration for your health. Asbestos can cause many negative health effects, some of which can shorten your lifespan or lead to long-term illness. Asbestos is a known carcinogen.The longer you are exposed to it, the more likely many of these side effects are to manifest, meaning that valued employees and regular customers may also be at risk. Just as the removal of mold growth can help to avoid a medical emergency in your business, so too can asbestos testing prevent a host of serious medical issues.
SERVPRO of Rexburg / Rigby is certified in asbestos testing and guarantees a fast and efficient process for your business. Call us at (208) 356-0263 for our services or a quote.