Recent Fire Damage Posts

Fire Damage in Idaho Falls

6/5/2024 (Permalink)

Fire and Smoke Damage After Math Fire and Smoke damage

A house fire is a homeowner’s worst nightmare, causing devastating damage, emotional distress, and potential health risks. Understanding the dangers and knowing who to call in the aftermath can make all the difference. Here’s why immediate professional help is crucial.

1: Causes and Common Sources of House Fires

Common Causes: Electrical malfunctions, cooking accidents, heating equipment, and smoking materials.
Preventative Measures: Reduce the risk of house fires through proper maintenance and safety practices.

2: Immediate Dangers of House Fires

Property Damage: Fires can destroy personal belongings, structural components, and irreplaceable items.
Health Risks: Immediate health hazards like burns, smoke inhalation, and toxic fumes.
Emotional Trauma: The emotional impact of losing a home and the sense of security it provides.

3: Long-term Consequences
Structural Damage: A fire can weaken a building’s structure, making it unsafe for habitation without extensive repairs.
Smoke and Soot Damage: Smoke and soot can permeate walls, furniture, and HVAC systems, causing ongoing health issues and unpleasant odors.
Water Damage: The water used to extinguish the fire can cause additional damage, leading to mold growth and structural problems.

4.Why You Should Call SERVPRO®

Expertise and Experience: At SERVPRO we deal with fire damage restoration and recovery.

Prompt Response: We emphasize the importance of a quick response to fire and water damage. Our team is available 24/7.
Comprehensive Services: Emergency response, structural repairs, smoke and soot removal, and water damage restoration.
Advanced Equipment and Techniques: State-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure thorough and efficient restoration.

If you have a fire, water or mold emergency, give us a call anytime!
SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Here to Help®


How to Make Your Summer Safe

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

With everyone lighting up the grills, preparing for fire’s might not be a bad idea. Here are some tips from from your local Idaho Falls SERVPRO to keep your family safe, and your gatherings happy.

1.) Educate your family on the risks

Summer is a great time for family fun. Lets keep the fun safe though. Make sure your family knows how to keep your home safe by going over what fire hazards are and how to prevent them.

2.) Test your smoke alarms.

No one likes to wake up to a smoke alarm going off but its much better than waking up to a raging fire. Check batteries, and consider upgrading if you already haven't, to a Wi-Fi enabled fire alarm that can send you an alert anywhere you have internet service. These fire alarms are also able to connect with other smart home devices to keep your home safe.

3.) Keep lawn clippings and flammable materials in a safe place.

Lawn Clippings, dry leaves and branches, used rags, paper, even hairspray and other aerosol cans, should be taken care of in a safe way, and disposed of correctly. Make sure nothing flammable is in direct heat and sunlight. Throw away old rags with flammable liquids like oil, gas, and chemical cleaners by first washing them in water and an oil breakdown detergent before throwing them back in the garage or in the garbage can.

4.) Check your house’s wiring and crawlspaces.

Attics, crawlspaces, and wiring can be great spaces for pests to build nests in during the winter. Inspect these and other small spaces for nests, cobwebs, and other flammable objects. Check wiring where able to ensure no new wire’s are exposed since last year. Make sure your air conditioner and heaters are clear of any debris and away from any combustible materials. Check your dryer outlet and chimney for any obstacles blocking a clear flow of air.

Even with these measures we can’t expect to prevent every fire. That’s why we recommend having an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) consultation with our trained experts so you can have a quick, smooth recovery of your loss. Let one of SERVPRO’s estimators walk you through how to handle your next emergency whatever it may be.

If you have a fire, water or mold emergency, give us a call anytime!
SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We are Ready to Help!

208-523-5365 for Idaho Falls

Smoke and Soot

11/14/2022 (Permalink)

What should you expect after you experience a fire in your home? What should you do after you have a fire in your home? These are questioning every homeowner dread thinking about but should be prepared for. Fires in the home can range from minor to severe due to many factors. How it was started, how long it lasted, where is started etc. Many people think that the fire itself is the worst part but that is just the beginning. After the fire is extinguished then comes the evaluations of belongings. You will want to really look over all your person belongings to see what is salvageable and what is a complete loss. Your insurance company will need to know this.

Smoke and soot after a fire can sometimes do the most damage. It will stick to anything and everything and cause quite the smelly mess. Thankfully that is where we come in! We have highly trained professionals who come in, help inventory your salvageable belongings and get to work restoring your most valued possessions. We have an entire space dedicated to restoring items affected by soot. We will work day and night to get your items back to the way they were.

If you have a fie disaster and need help, give us a call today! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your cleaning and restoration needs. We have highly trained professionals ready to help in your time of need.

Roughly 200 Christmas tree fires a year!

11/14/2022 (Permalink)

With the holidays upon us it is extremely important to take every precaution in order to keep your home safe. U.S. firefighters respond to roughly 200 Christmas tree fires per year, according to the National Fire Research Laboratory at NIST. There are many reasons why a Christmas tree can and will catch on fire. This includes faulty Christmas tree lights, not enough water causing the Christmas tree to die and candles too close to the tree to name a few. There are steps you can take to avoid these situations.

  1. Purchase a new artificial Christmas tree every 6 years to maintain the fire retardants.
  2. Don’t ever leave the lights plugged in overnight.
  3. Avoid using extension cords. Try and plug the lights directly into the wall
  4. Inspect pre lit Christmas trees every year for exposed or broken cords
  5. Check water level daily on your fresh trees

Give us a call today! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your cleaning and restoration needs. We have highly trained professionals ready to help in your time of need.

Christmas tree danger

11/13/2022 (Permalink)

Every year there is estimated to be over 100 Christmas tree fires in homes in the US. As beautiful and festive as Christmas trees are, they can be a very scary hidden danger. There are a few things you can do to help prevent a disaster this Christmas season. Make sure to look for and pick a fresh-looking tree. Keep the tree hydrated by always watering it. Do not put the tree neat any heat, including heaters, candles, etc. Check the tree lights for any broken bulbs and turn off lights before bed. And finally, if the tree looks like it is dead, dispose of it.

Here are a few Christmas tree fire facts:

  • Between 2015-2019 , U.S. fire departments responded to an average 160 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year. These fires caused an average of two deaths, 12 injuries, and $10 million in direct property damage annually.
  • Electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in almost half of home Christmas tree fires. Nearly one in five Christmas tree fires were stared by decorative lights.
  • In nearly one-fifth of the Christmas tree fires, some type of heat source, such as a candle or equipment, was too close to the tree.
  • One in five Christmas tree fires were intentional. These fires were more common in January.
  • Roughly three-quarters of Christmas tree fires occurred in December or January.
  • Almost two of every five home Christmas tree fires started in the living room.

We have highly trained professionals ready to help with all your fire, water mold and asbestos needs. We are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call today!

Fire at your home or business

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

When a fire occurs at your home or business there are steps you should immediately take after the disaster. According to the Red Cross, these are the four steps to take immediately after a home fire.

  1. Call 9-1-1. Give first aid where needed; cool and cover burns to reduce the chance of further injury or infection.
  2. Let friends and family know you’re safe.
  3. People and animals that are seriously injured or burned should be transported to professional medical or veterinary help immediately.
  4. Stay out of fire-damaged homes until local fire authorities say it is safe to re-enter.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster, give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. We have highly trained professionals ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your disaster restoration needs. We are ready to help!

Fire, soot and smoke damage

2/25/2022 (Permalink)

Recently SERVPRO was called to a fire job in Montana where a restaurant had caught on fire possible due to a dryer malfunctioning. Fires are never an easy thing do come back from simply because of the destruction that is can cause. Not only do you have to worry about your possessions that were ruined by the fire itself, soot and smoke due quite a bit of damage as well. We always suggest doing these things after you have suffered from a fire disaster in your home or business.

  • Call 911 immediately
  • Call your insurance company and start a claim
  • Call SERVPRO to start the cleaning and restoration process
  • If allowed start documenting all damaged items
  • If allowed retrieve items that are salvageable

If you have any fire, water or mold disasters give SERVPRO a call today! We have trained professionals ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Fires in Eastern Idaho

1/25/2022 (Permalink)

So far this year Eastern Idaho has had five structure fires since January 1, 2022. None of these fires have been nature related meaning something inside the home has been the cause.  According to the three most common reasons for structure fires are cooking, heating equipment and faulty wiring. Other culprits can be smoking materials like candles, Christmas tree fires and appliances.

Home fires are not always preventable but there are some ways to prepare for these terrible disasters. The first thing you can do is educate everyone in your home on fire safety. Help them to learn the fire exits and what to do in case a fire happens in your home. Second is to always make sure you have working fire alarms in your home and test them monthly to make sure the batteries are still working. And finally check all the wiring on your appliances. Make sure there are no cracks or bites in the wiring and that everything is plugged in correctly. And never overload the power strip.

If you have a fire, water, mold or biohazard disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. Our trained professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Home Fire

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

Home fires can be extremely scary and sometimes confusing. Fires aren’t planned but that doesn’t mean you can’t be! According to an online poll they estimate that 358,500 home fires occur in the United States every year. With those statistics it is definitely worth it to become prepared in case of an emergency. Here are a few tips and tricks you can do to get prepared.

According to the Red Cross you should:

  • Install smoke alarmson every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas. 
  • Test smoke alarms every month. If they’re not working, change the batteries.
  • Talk with all family members about a fire escape planand practice the plan twice a year.
  • If a fire occurs in your home, GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL FOR HELP. Never go back inside for anything or anyone.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today. We have highly trained certified professionals ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Local Hero's

10/28/2021 (Permalink)

We are so excited that for the third year in a row we were able to show our appreciation to our wonderful local first responders. Every year we provide a free lunch for all of our local hero’s. We set the time between 11-3 so they can come as they are able to do so.

This year we had a few amazing sponsors that participated and donated towards this amazing event. Our sponsors included Golds Gym of Ammon, Onek Property Management, Rich Broadcasting, The Wolf Radio Station, Firehose car wash, T-Mobile, Gandalfo’s and Duck Donuts.

We were able to not only have an amazing FREE lunch for our local hero’s but all of the business listed above brought freebies and amazing deals for them as well. We are so thankful to all of our first responders and hope to keep this tradition going for many more years to come.

Why are burn bans so important

8/9/2021 (Permalink)

What is a burn ban? Why are they so important? What would warrant a burn ban to be implemented? Lets start with the basics! A burn ban is a fire restriction that is implemented by the Land Management Agencies to help reduce the risk and prevention of wildfires during periods of high or extremely high fire dangers.

Fire restrictions are usually brought on quickly and sometimes without notice depending on how the quality of the air is, the wind speed and also the temperatures. 

Why are these burn bans so important? Well did you know that debris burning starts the most human-caused fires? When someone makes the decision to burn debris they need to be very aware of the wind speed as well as the temperatures. Fires can become out of control extremely quickly and can cause extreme amounts of damage including structure fires and wild fires just to name a few. Every county has a fire information website that can be checked for fire ban questions.

If you have a fire disaster please give SERVPRO a call today! We have highly trained professionals ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

House fires can happen anywhere at anytime

7/15/2021 (Permalink)

House fires can happen at any time be it day or night. There are many dangers with house fires other than the actual fire itself. Smoke inhalation is a major safety hazard that needs to be handled with as much care as the fire itself.

Once a home catches fire and the fire department hopefully is able to put it out there are many things they have to investigate before the home owners can call a restoration company. Once they are finished with their investigation the home owner is then able to call a cleaning and restoration company to come out and help rebuild and clean their home.

Smoke damage is one of the most damaging outcomes from a fire. The SERVPRO Franchise Professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces.

They will clean all of the restorable items and structures that were damaged by the fire. They use a variety of cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. They’re also trained to remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Restoration is the final step—getting your home or business to its pre-fire condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today. Our highly trained professionals are ready to help day or night. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your cleaning and restoration needs.

Spring has sprung and so has fire season!

5/5/2021 (Permalink)

Spring is upon us and so is that time of year when people in Southeastern Idaho start doing their controlled burns to rid the ditches of dead leaves, tree limbs and other debris. Although controlled burns are a normal and very common event, sometimes it can be a little bit on the uncontrollable side.

Many things can go wrong when you mix fire with wind. Recently in Idaho Falls firefighter were called out to a field west of Idaho Falls. About 1.5 acres of dry grass became inflamed after a controlled burn had gotten out of hand. With the strong winds in Idaho Falls controlled burns can quickly become dangerous when they are near homes, businesses, or dry fields. To help avoid a burn from becoming out of control you should always check your local fire department for burn ban bulletins as well as checking your local weather station to look out for wind advisories.

If you do have a fire disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Fires happen in the winter

2/2/2021 (Permalink)

Fires happen any time during the year, even in winter! There are tons of different ways that a fire can start.

  • Cooking
    1. Never leave your stove or oven unattended
    2. Make sure to clean your oven often
    3. Keep all paper products away from your stove
  • Smoking
    1. Do not smoke in your home. Even if the weather is ridiculously cold outside.
    2. Make sure before you toss your cigarette butts out make sure they are completely out.
    3. Make sure to keep them up and away from children.
  • Candles
    1. Never leave candles unattended or fall asleep with a candle on
    2. Never leave candles near curtains or blinds

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We have highly trained and certified professional ready to help! If you do have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster give SERVPRO of Idaho Falls & Rexburg/Rigby a call today (208) 523-5365.

Christmas Trees gone bad

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

Today we did a demonstration on how quickly a Christmas Tree can start on fire. Did you know that between 2014-2018, U.S. fire departments responded to an average 160 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year. These fires caused an average of two deaths, 14 injuries, and $10 million in direct property damage annually.

Thank you to Ammon fire department for helping us with this demonstration. We wanted to help to educate the public on how quickly a happy holiday tradition can go wrong.

Be sure to keep your trees watered and away from any heat source such as candles, heaters, etc.

SERVPRO of Idaho Falls & Rexburg/Rigby is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all of your Fire, Water, Mold and Asbestos need! (208) 523-5365

Thank you Firefighters

11/23/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Department posing for a picture with SERVPRO employees Fire Department posing for a picture with SERVPRO employees in front of fire truck.

Thank you, Central Fire Department, Station #3 in Lewisville and our Marketing Rep Megan Olsen for helping SERVPRO put together this video to help spread awareness of the dangers that could come from cooking a turkey in the deep fryer. To avoid this happening make sure your turkey is thawed and dry before putting it in your hot oil.

Each year, fire departments respond to more than 1,000 fires related to deep fryers. Those fires cause serious burn injuries and more than $15 million in property damage. So please everyone be safe this Holiday Season! Here are some helpful tips from the Idaho State Fire Marshal.

  • Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food.
  • Stay in the home when cooking your turkey and check on it frequently.
  • Keep children away from the stove. The stove will be hot and kids should stay 3 feet away.
  • Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over kids, toys, pocketbooks or bags.
  • Keep knives out of the reach of children.
  • Be sure electric cords from an electric knife, coffee maker, plate warmer or mixer are not dangling off the counter within easy reach of a child.
  • Keep matches and utility lighters out of the reach of children — up high in a locked cabinet.
  • Never leave children alone in room with a lit candle.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button.

Helping our Heroes

8/20/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO was out again today volunteering our time fogging and disinfecting our first responders’ vehicles. Our main goals in this is to continue to do our part and help to keep those on the front lines and our community safe. We know how hard and long they work everyday to keep our community safe and this is our way to give back.

Right now, with COVID-19 being such a huge concern, the last thing we want our first responders to worry about is the safety and cleanliness of their vehicles. Therefore, we have dedicated many hours to our local emergency response companies so that we can help take one thing off their plates. Thank you again to Central Fire District, Mud Lake Ambulance, Robert Fire District and Idaho State Marshall for allowing SERVPRO to come out!

Our highly trained team of professionals are ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We strive to always be up to date on the newest training and techniques as well as CDC guidelines. If your business has a fire, water, mold, asbestos, biohazard or COVID disaster, give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365.

Helping out our local heroes!

7/16/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO has been teaming up with our local Fire Departments to volunteer our time in helping prevent the spread of COVID-19. Per the CDC website Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. • The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that has spread throughout the world. • COVID-19 symptoms can range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness.

We have been volunteering our time by going out to our local Fire Departments and cleaning all emergency vehicles. We fog and disinfect all vehicle free of charge. We hope that by doing this we can help to keep our first responders safe and able to continue to be there for our community.

If you have a fire, water, mold, asbestos, biohazard or COVID-19 related disaster, give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have highly trained professionals ready when you need us!

Bats in the attic

5/13/2020 (Permalink)

Our production managers Brittany and Justin were in Moran, Wyoming today putting together an estimate for some clean up needed at the Fire Station. There was bat guano in an upstairs basement.

According to “Bat droppings are also called guano and are considered very harmful to human beings. The droppings look like droppings of mouse but these turned into powder form when touched. This powdery substance then becomes airborne. This substance is very dangerous if inhaled mistakenly and can cause a very terrible disease that harms the respiratory system and known as Histoplasmosis.”

The serious dangers guano can spread:

Most of the time people remain unaware of the affects or harm bat dropping can cause. But it is true that human can face serious hazards to health if the care is not taken while cleaning area infected with guano. There are numbers serious diseases that guano can spread and some of them can even be fatal. The animal droppings may be a danger simply by their weight as well. As the bats live in colonies so they can make wastage and guano beyond your expectation. The areas like attics can be of special attention for you as droppings and urine of bats can destroy the surface.

If you have a Water, Fire, Mold, Asbestos or Biohazard Disaster give SERVPRO a call today. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! We have trained professionals ready to help.

Fire in the home

2/14/2020 (Permalink)

Fire in a home A living room in a home that caught on fire.

This past weekend our production manager Justin responded to a fire loss in Egin, ID. Unfortunately, they were unsure how the fire had started. SERVPRO was there to help give them a little bit of direction until they heard back from their insurance company. According to this is what you should do in the case of a fire.

Extinguish the Fire If Possible

If the fire has just sparked—for example, a pan catches fire on the stove—you may be able to contain it. Grab your fire extinguisher and remember to PASS: pull the pin, aim at the base of the flames, squeeze the extinguisher handle, and sweep from side to side until the fire is extinguished. Make sure that the fire is completely out and not still smoldering. Crawl Beneath the Flames to Escape

Check Doors and Doorknobs for Heat

If you must go through a door to get to an exit, check if the door is hot. If the door (or doorknob) is warm to the touch, there could be fire raging on the other side, so do not go through it. If you open a door and see fire or smoke, shut the door and go to a second exit.

Run to Safety

Once you make your way outside, run away from the fire to safety. Part of the house or apartment, like the roof or siding, may catch fire and fall around the perimeter of the building, so run across the street or down the block to safety.

Call for Help

Once you have made it away from the fire, call 911. If you don’t have a cellphone, go to a neighbor’s house and ask to borrow a phone. Tell the operator that there’s been a fire at your address, and then keep the line open to see if they need any other information.

If you have a Fire, Water, Mold or Asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today! We will help you through every step of the process. (208) 523-5365

Security is key

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

Our vehicle in front of a job Our SERVPRO truck in front of a fire job.

We were at a fire loss at a lodge in a Jackson, WY this last weekend. We had to get a generator set up so we could have power for the building. We then made sure to immediately board up the windows and doors to keep the building safe and secure.

When a fire disaster occurs, we always make sure that we secure the contents inside.  With this particular building there was an underground tunnel that connected the two buildings that we started to move out in the very next morning. Securing and keeping all of our customers contents safe is a number one priority. These are their special belongings that means a lot to them.  These items are part of their family and we make sure that we treat them as such.

If you have a fire, water, mold or asbestos disaster please give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365.

Board Up

11/2/2019 (Permalink)

Fire at a local business Board up needed for a local business

Over the weekend a local business caught fire affecting 2 other businesses with in the building. SERVPRO was able to respond and provide Emergency Board up for all 3 businesses.

We make sure to assess the area thoroughly so that we have a better idea of just what we are working with. We check for smoke, soot and fire damage as well as assess all of the items that may have been affected by this disaster. The reason we preform a thorough check of the building is so that the customer has a better grasp on the situation. What is salvageable or not.

The reason we offer board up service is because after a fire occurs it may leave your doors, windows, and walls exposed. This could in turn lead to vandalism, break ins and also possible further damage to the structure. We strive to be able to keep out all the elements to the area that has been compromised.

They smell great... But beware!

8/26/2019 (Permalink)

Our crew was called out to a fire job this last week. The disaster happened because of a candle that caught a couch on fire!

According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments responded to about 9,300 home structure fires started by candles between 2009 and 2013. Those fires led to 86 deaths, 827 injuries, and $374 million in direct property damage.

  • On they give these safety warnings.
  • Always keep a burning candle within sight. Extinguish all candles when leaving a room or before going to sleep. Be sure the wick ember is no longer glowing.
  • Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc.
  • Keep burning candles out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Trim candlewicks to ¼ inch each time before burning. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning and dripping.
  • Always use a candle-holder specifically designed for candle use. The holder should be heat resistant, sturdy, and large enough to contain any drips or melted wax.
  • Be sure the candle-holder is placed on a stable, heat-resistant surface. This can help prevent heat damage to underlying surfaces and prevent glass containers from breaking.
  • Keep the wax pool free of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times.
  • Always read and follow the manufacturer’s use and safety instructions carefully. Don’t burn a candle longer than the manufacturer recommends.
  • Keep burning candles away from drafts, vents, ceiling fans and air currents. This will help prevent rapid, uneven burning, and avoid flame flare-ups and sooting. Drafts can also blow nearby lightweight items into the flame where they could catch fire.
  • Always burn candles in a well-ventilated room. Don’t burn too many candles in a small room or in a “tight” home where air exchange is limited.

Lithium Battery problems

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

Steven and Hanna received a call from a water loss at an Apartment complex in Rexburg. Upon arrival they decided they needed help so they contacted Zach and Justin so they could help them move contents and place drying equipment to help stabilize and start the drying process. The loss was caused from a lithium battery being left on the charger. It had exploded and caused the sprinkler system to activate flooding 1 apartment and 2 hallways. On they suggest these safety tips.

Don’t overdo it.

One of the most important things you can do to extend battery life is to avoid overcharging. Disconnect chargers and devices with rechargeable batteries after the battery reaches full charge. Overcharging occurs when the device or battery is plugged into a charger after full charge has been reached and may reduce battery life.

Be present.

Whenever possible, recharge your batteries while you are nearby. A battery fire could happen if a device with a defective battery is left unattended and it overheats. A working smoke detector and a fire extinguisher provide extra insurance if something happens.

Stay away from flammables.

Be sure to place the device or battery charger on a non-flammable surface during charging. That includes pillows, blankets, sheets, paper, clothing and fabric, such as curtains. When there is good air circulation around the device and minimal exposure to direct sunlight, the device won’t overheat and cause smoke or fire.

Don’t be extreme.

Rechargeable batteries are often exposed to unfavorable temperatures. Just think about when you’ve left your phone in your car on a really hot or cold day. Extreme temperatures can shorten expected battery life, so store your batteries and devices in a cool place whenever possible. The recommended storage temperature for most batteries is 15°C (59°F) according to Battery University. This temperature minimizes capacity loss while keeping the battery in operating condition and allowing self-discharge.

Pick the right method.

You should always charge rechargeable batteries in the device it’s used in, the charger it came with or a charger recommended by the manufacturer.

Recycle! Recycle! Recycle!

Don’t throw your used rechargeable batteries in the trash. They will go straight to the landfill. We recommend that you remove the rechargeable batteries before disposing of an electronic device; most electronics recyclers do not recycle batteries separately.

Be Safe.

Next time you are tempted to take a shortcut when storing, charging or recycling your electronic device, think twice. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has a long list of reported battery-related incidents that occurred while an electronic device was in use, being stored and during battery charging. By taking just a few precautions and using some common sense, you can protect yourself from potential hazards and extend the battery life of your portable devices.

If you have a Fire, Water, Mold or Asbestos disaster give SERVPRO a call today! We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! (208) 523-5365

Be Prepared

5/9/2019 (Permalink)

Fires can happen at any time and almost any place. It is important to always be prepared for a disaster in case it happens to you. Here are some safety steps from

Prevent Fire

  1. Don’t smoke in bed or when sleepy. Smoking materials are the cause of 24% of home fire fatalities.
  2. Turn off portable space heaters when you leave the room or go to sleep. Heating equipment is the source of an additional 24% of home fire fatalities.
  3. Turn off the stove if you have to answer the phone or leave the room. Cooking equipment is the source of 15% of home fire fatalities, and by far the leading cause of home fire injuries.
  4. Put away matches or lighters in a high cabinet or locked drawer, out of sight and reach of children. Children under age 5 are eight times more likely to die in a fire caused by playing with a heat source than are older children and adults.

Be Prepared If a Fire Occurs

  1. Install a smoke alarm. One working smoke alarm on each floor is better, and one working smoke alarm inside every sleeping area is best. The National Fire Protection Association and the International Association of Fire Chiefs recommend installing both ionization and photoelectric alarms, or dual alarms that incorporate both technologies. Ionization smoke alarms respond best to flaming fires, and photoelectric to smoldering fires.
  2. Press the test button on your smoke alarm to make sure it’s still working, even if it’s hard-wired or has long-life batteries;
  3. Plan and practice a home fire drill. Make sure everyone in your home knows what to do when the alarm sounds:
  • Get out right away.
  • Go directlyto your meeting place. Choose a meeting place in front of your home or where firefighters can see you.
  • Don’t go back inside for anything.
  • Call 9-1-1. Provide your address with the complete and precise street name (e.g. is it Sunset Street, Sunset Circle, Sunset Boulevard?) and the nearest cross street.

If you have a fire disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365.

Are you prepared???

2/14/2019 (Permalink)

A house or commercial fire can be a very scary event. The scariest part can be how unprepared you are when a terrible disaster like a fire happens.

On they offer a few examples of things you can do to make sure that you are a bit more prepared for this sort of situation.

Purchase a house with fire sprinklers installed. A sprinkler only applies water to the area threatened by fire.

Make copies of important documents and pictures and keep a copy of them at a friends or relatives house. Put the originals in a fire resistant safe.

Make an escape plan to evacuate your home in case of a fire or other emergency. If your room is on the second floor, consider purchasing a fire ladder to aid in escape.

Keep areas around the furnace, water heater, outlets, and other potentially hazardous areas clear of combustible materials.

Purchase and install smoke detectors or test the ones you have to ensure they are in working order.

Purchase fire extinguishers for your home and consider getting a Class k extinguisher for your kitchen in case of grease fires.

Practice escaping from your house as if it were on fire by staying low and following your escape plan.

Ensure exits such as doors and windows aren't obstructed and are in working order if you do not choose to repair them.

Have your chimney inspected and swept regularly. This will prevent build up of residue which causes chimney fires.

Keep the main gas shut off and electric meter visible and accessible to aid the fire department in the extinguishing of the fire.

Call your local fire department and ask about a home fire inspection. they'll most likely be willing and will do it for free. while you’re calling you can ask about any fire prevention functions.

Get involved with your fire department. It may be one of the best ways to prepare. Try volunteering for them, if they need help or if they have an auxiliary you can join to help at functions.

Not so controlled burn

1/11/2019 (Permalink)

Burning debris in spring

With spring right around the corner, a lot of people are gearing up to start burning all the debris they have to get rid of it. But there are many hidden dangers in doing so. According to the National Weather Service is advising people to check weather conditions before starting any controlled burns.

 They also remind us that Fire danger increases rapidly in the spring once the snow beings to melt, especially in windy lower elevation spots. These conditions often result in several agricultural burns getting out of control year after year. 

 It doesn’t take long once the snow begins to melt for fire danger to rapidly increase even after a cool and wet winter. The persistent spring wind only serves to further dry vegetation and literally provides more fuel for the fire. A wind-whipped fire in quick-burning dormant vegetation can cause a burn to easily become uncontrollable.

It is common for calm morning wind to give way to gusty wind around the midday hours during the spring months. A weather forecast of how and when the wind speed and direction may change during the day can mean the difference between a successful burn and having an animated discussion with your local fire warden.

The National Weather Service in Riverton is advising people to get the most up-to-date weather forecast before conducting agricultural burns.

If you have a fire disaster give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365.

Wild Fires in Wyoming

10/29/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO has been on the scene in Pinedale, Wyoming helping to clean up the aftermath of the wild fires that started on mid-September 2018. Our crews have been working tirelessly trying to get families whom have been affected by this disaster back to their everyday life. We have been cleaning and restoring person belongings, flooring, and anything else that may have been touched by this horrible smoke residue.

As of September 21st there were over 230 homes evacuated and over 34,000 acres burned. There has been a ton of help in trying to stop this fire from continuing to spread. The response includes air tankers, helicopters, engines, and tons of fire firefighters trying to get control of this enormous blaze!

SERVPRO is dedicated to doing anything and everything to make sure these families who have suffered through this disaster will be able be back to normal as soon as possible.

If you have a cleaning or restoration disaster that you need assistance with give SERVPRO a call today at (208) 523-5365 .

Fire safety

8/30/2018 (Permalink)

When dealing with residential fire safety, time is of the essence. Fire spreads quickly and relentlessly. Fire is unforgiving and quick to engulf anything and everything in its path. In just two short minutes, a fire can become life threatening. In just five minutes, an entire home can be engulfed in flames.

Being aware is not enough but knowing the proper preventative actins to take may help. Here is some expert’s advice that may help.

-Having a working smoke alarm provides a 50% better chance of surviving.

-Overloading electrical circuits, ignoring frayed cords, and running extension cords as a permanent source of power are also common hazards. Extension cords should only be used temporarily. Not as a permanent solution.

-Make sure your family designates an outside meeting place in the event of a fire.

-It’s best to make the kitchen no-child zone if you can.

-Make “fall & crawl” a part of the escape routine so children understand that the temperature and air quality are more survivable lower to the ground.

-Always have an emergency plan and go over it over and over again. The more your children know and remember the better the situation will be. Practice makes perfect and understanding the plan helps.

If you happen to have a disaster please give us a call at (208)523-5365. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week for all your cleaning and restoration needs. We are on call so we can be there immediately to help you with your disaster.

Fire Season Is Here

7/27/2018 (Permalink)

With these hot temperatures warming up the Eastern Idaho region, you will need to be very careful with all of your outdoor activities. If it becomes very hot, windy, and dry it is probably a good idea to limit your outdoor activities that might possibly result in a wildfire. Burning debris and target shooting are a couple activities that need to be rethought if the weather is too hot.
Because of the lack of snow pack this year there is a higher risk of fires. Snowpack keeps the ground and soil moist by covering it longer into spring and summer which in turn influences the onset of fire season as well as the widespread and seriousness of wildfires.
As many as 90% of wild fires in the United States are caused by burning of debris, campfires being left unattended, throwing out cigarettes, and simply people intentionally starting fires, aka arson.
Because of this, wildfires threaten thousands of homes a year.
suggests these steps.
1.       Review your evacuation plan checklist
2.       Ensure that your emergency supply kit is in your vehicle
3.       Cover-up to protect against heat and flying embers. Wear long pants, long sleeve shirts, heavy shoes and boots, and goggles or glasses. 100% cotton is always preferred
4.       Locate your pets and take them with you to safety
Always remember that if you are evacuated and then able to return home to be alert and look over a few things.
1.       Always be alert for downed power lines and other hazards,
2.       Check propane tanks, regulators, and lines before turning on your gas
3.       Check your residence carefully for any hidden embers or smoldering fires
If you do unfortunately happen to have fire damage on your home make sure to call a professional like SERVPRO to help with your disaster.

Chimney Fires

5/9/2018 (Permalink)

Your chimney and flue add architectural interest to your home, but the real function of your chimney is to take dangerous flue gasses from the wood stove, fireplace, or furnace out of your home safely. It helps the air in your household stay breathable, just like your windows in your kitchen vents, bathroom windows, and attic. However, unlike the other exhaust points in your home, wood stove and fireplace chimneys need a particular kind of care. 

In action, a chimney fire in your Rexburg home can be impressive and cause you to need fire damage repair from a professional remediation company such as SERVPRO. Indications there is a fire in your chimney includes plenty of dense smoke, a loud popping or cracking noise, and a hot, intense smell.

Chimney fires can be dramatic and noisy enough to be detected by people passing by or your neighbors. Dense smoke or flames could shoot out from the top of the chimney. It has been reported by homeowners that they were startled by a low rumbling sound which is reminiscent of a low flying airplane or a freight train.

Undetected Chimney Fires
Chimney fires which are slow-burning do not receive enough air or have the fuel to be visible or dramatic, and they many times go undetected until an inspection of the chimney later. However, very high temperatures are reached and can create as much damage to the chimney structure, and parts of the house close to it, as their more spectacular counterparts explosive fires.

Chimney Fires and Creosote
Wood stoves and fireplaces are made to contain wood-fuel fires safely while heating your home. Chimneys have the job of getting rid of combustion by-products, which are the materials made from burning wood, including water vapor, smoke, gasses, wood particles that are unburned, tar fog, hydrocarbon, and different minerals. As these materials are rising and flow into the cooler chimney, condensation occurs. The residue which that is left sticks to the inside walls of the chimney and is known as creosote.

Black or brown in appearance, creosote can be flakey and crust, shiny and hardened, or drippy and sticky. All forms can occur in a chimney. No matter the form it takes, creosote is very combustible, so if enough quantity builds up and the temperature of the inside of the flue is high enough, you could be dealing with a resulting chimney fire.

When a fire in your chimney damages your home, SERVPRO is always ready to help you clean up the mess and repair the damage. Smoke and odor remediation and indoor air quality are focal points of a SERVPRO service. It is, however, important to have your chimney regularly cleaned to try and avoid this problem in the first place.

SERVPRO of Rexburg/Rigby knows how damage chimney fires can be to your home. Give them a call as soon as possible after the fire is out at (208) 356-0263 so they can prevent further damages from occurring.

Electricity was the cause of this Fire

5/2/2018 (Permalink)

This is the aftermath of an electrical fire. There are many different reasons for which a house fire can start. Problems with wiring, light fixtures, faulty outlets and appliance failure are just a couple reasons. The most common electrical fires happen because of homeowners overloading electrical outlets or extension cords. There are many ways to prepare for the possibility of a fire.

  1. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and in every room
  2. Test them every month to make sure batteries are still properly working
  3. Make a fire escape plan with your family and practice it
  4. If a fire should happen Get out, Stay out, and Call for help

Fires can happen anytime to anyone so it’s always good to prepare yourself and others.

Driggs Restaurant Chemical Fire

1/4/2018 (Permalink)


A Driggs Idaho restaurant owner was quite surprised when he arrived at his place of business one morning.  

When he arrived at his restaurant he knew there was a problem due to the black soot on the outside wall of his restaurant.  Immediately he thought there was a fire inside and call the fire department.

When they arrived and opened the doors there was no fire burning, however, there was considerable heat damage.

It appeared that cleaning rags with powerful chemicals placed in a laundry hamper had ignited at some point in the evening.  As the fire tried to take hold it consumed all of the oxygen in the room and eventually is had burned itself out.  

This did not stop it from smoldering however and the intense heat in the room caused everything plastic to eventually melt to a point of unrecognizability.

The picture posted here is of the exit sign that hangs over the outer door.  

SERVPRO was called to estimate losses and repairs.

Do I Smell Bacon?

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

This SERVPRO reported loss was caused by a careless cook. 

A basement apartment was recently rented to a first time young resident with little cooking skills.

The resident was cooking bacon for the first time on her new stove.  The bacon grease caught on fire and the ensuing flames rose towards the ceiling. 

The heat from the fire melted the face of the microwave above the stove and the cabinets began to smolder. 

The ceiling had acoustic cork tiles that absorbed a lot of the smoke and needed to be removed.

While the fire was contained to the stove area the smoke traveled through each of the basement bedrooms and also in the stairwell leading up to the main level.

SERVPRO tips for grease fires

  • Cover the fire with a large metal lid
  • If there's no lid nearby, douse the fire with salt or baking soda
  • Turn off the heat source if possible
  • As a last resort, use a fire extinguisher

How Quickly Fire Can Spread

12/19/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO was recently called to a local home regarding what first was called in as a small garage fire. Upon arrival they discovered that old exposed wiring had not only caused the garage to catch fire but it had affected the entire home leaving the occupants in a hotel for the foreseeable future.  

Many times the safety of garage wiring is overlooked because home owners are either not aware there is an issue or the idea of "It has been like this for years and we never had a problem with it" is the prevailing thought.  

To save on building costs many garages are unfinished and homeowners can easily take this moment to inspect wires to determine if there should be some electrical work done ASAP.  

Whether your garage is finished or unfinished take a moment now to ask yourself these questions.  

*Do you hear or see a spark when you flip a switch?

*Do you ever smell an odd odor coming from the outlets?

*Are light switch plates warm or hot to the touch?

*Do you hear buzzing when the electricity is on?

These are signs that an electrician should be called right away to avoid the costly damage that this SERVPRO family endured.

Fire Caused By BBQ Grill

10/28/2017 (Permalink)

BBQ Fun Catches House on Fire

BBQs are a terrific summer activity, but one that can be ruined if not careful.  This home fire was caused by the BBQ grill being too close to the siding of the house on the deck and caused damage to the entire main level of the home.  Do not let this happen to you!!

Abandoned Buildings Can and Do Cause Problems

9/24/2017 (Permalink)

Total Fire Loss in Kellogg, Idaho

This abandoned turn of the century hotel in Kellogg, Idaho caught on fire and was a total loss.  There was no electricity or other utilities at the building.  Although it is easy to forget about these buildings, it is critical they be looked at from time to time for potential damage problems.  This particular building had squatters living in the building.

As a result of this complete loss building's fire, all of the surrounding buildings experienced significant smoke and water damage.  The fire was so hot the fire department needed to keep a constant water flow on several of the adjacent buildings to make sure they did not catch on fire as well.  

SERVPRO of Rexburg, Idaho was called in by several of the businesses and building owners to help fix the fire and water damaged areas.

Smoke and Soot Clean Up

9/1/2017 (Permalink)

Having a fire in your home or on your property can be a life changing experience and very invasive.  SERVPRO is here to handle the damage to your property the fire left behind. We can make it like it never even happened.

Smoke and Soot Facts

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process

Different Types of Smoke

  • Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber
    • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary.
  • Dry Smoke
    • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.
  • Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire
    • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent color

Every smoke and soot damage situation varies on size and type of damage done. If you have fire, smoke, or soot damage to your property give us a call. We will put our experience and resources to work for you. 

Fire Damage Can Be a Life Changing Experience

8/7/2017 (Permalink)

Having a fire in your home or on your property can be a life changing experience and very invasive.  SERVPRO is here to handle the damage to your property the fire left behind. We can make it like it never even happened.

Smoke and Soot Facts

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process

Different Types of Smoke

  • Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber
    • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary.
  • Dry Smoke
    • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.
  • Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire
    • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent color

Every smoke and soot damage situation varies on size and type of damage done. If you have fire, smoke, or soot damage to your property give us a call. We will put our experience and resources to work for you. 

Chimney Fires and Your Rexburg Home

5/16/2017 (Permalink)

Rexburg Chimney Fires Are Preventable-Call SERVPRO for Cleanup

Rexburg Properties Receive Smoke & Fire Damage Cleanup from SERVPRO

Your chimney and flue add architectural interest to your home, but the real function of your chimney is to take dangerous flue gasses from the wood stove, fireplace, or furnace out of your home safely. It helps the air in your household stay breathable, just like your windows in your kitchen vents, bathroom windows, and attic. However, unlike the other exhaust points in your home, wood stove and fireplace chimneys need a particular kind of care.
In action, a chimney fire in your Rexburg home can be impressive and cause you to need fire damage repair from a professional remediation company such as SERVPRO. Indications there is a fire in your chimney includes plenty of dense smoke, a loud popping or cracking noise, and a hot, intense smell.
Chimney fires can be dramatic and noisy enough to be detected by people passing by or your neighbors. Dense smoke or flames could shoot out from the top of the chimney. It has been reported by homeowners that they were startled by a low rumbling sound which is reminiscent of a low flying airplane or a freight train.
Undetected Chimney Fires
Chimney fires which are slow-burning do not receive enough air or have the fuel to be visible or dramatic, and they many times go undetected until an inspection of the chimney later. However, very high temperatures are reached and can create as much damage to the chimney structure, and parts of the house close to it, as their more spectacular counterparts explosive fires.
Chimney Fires and Creosote
Wood stoves and fireplaces are made to contain wood-fuel fires safely while heating your home. Chimneys have the job of getting rid of combustion by-products, which are the materials made from burning wood, including water vapor, smoke, gasses, wood particles that are unburned, tar fog, hydrocarbon, and different minerals. As these materials are rising and flow into the cooler chimney, condensation occurs. The residue which that is left sticks to the inside walls of the chimney and is known as creosote.
Black or brown in appearance, creosote can be flakey and crust, shiny and hardened, or drippy and sticky. All forms can occur in a chimney. No matter the form it takes, creosote is very combustible, so if enough quantity builds up and the temperature of the inside of the flue is high enough, you could be dealing with a resulting chimney fire.
When a fire in your chimney damages your home, SERVPRO is always ready to help you clean up the mess and repair the damage. Smoke and odor remediation and indoor air quality are focal points of a SERVPRO service. It is, however, important to have your chimney regularly cleaned to try and avoid this problem in the first place.
SERVPRO of Rexburg/Rigby knows how damage chimney fires can be to your home. Give them a call as soon as possible after the fire is out at (208) 356-0263 so they can prevent further damages from occurring.

A Residential Grease Fire Starts in the Kitchen

9/21/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Tip: Be Careful with Grease Fires in Your Rigby Kitchen

Call SERVPRO For ALL Your Fire Damage Restoration Needs

Grease fires and stove top fires in residential homes are the leading cause of house fires and burns. Grease fires start when oil or fat are left unattended on the stove. They are highly flammable liquids that quickly overheat, ignite, burn and spread out. Cooking fires that ignite shoot upwards, while splashing and burning as the flames are spread to walls, cabinets and nearby appliances and materials. A grease fire can rapidly get out of control leading to the leveling of an entire house.

A residential grease fire in Rigby requires a plan of action. The more you know, the less property will be lost and you remain safe also. First, every home should have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen area and keep it fully charged. Your local fire department can help you refill or recharge it. Every home should also have installed smoke alarms and remember to change the batteries twice a year.
As stressful as a grease fire that erupts can be, try to keep your head to remain safe and keep your family safe by following these steps:
• If the fire starts in a pan, carefully place a lid over it to smother flames. Turn the stove off.

• If the fire spreads outside the pan, cover as much of the pan as you can. Evacuate the house and call for help.

• don't spray your fire extinguisher directly on a grease fire because its forced spray will splatter the oil unless you have the proper extinguisher.

• do not put out a stove fire with water because it further splashes the flames and can cause an explosive action.

• do not use flour or sugar to smother a stove fire because their chemical makeup makes them very explosive and volatile.

• if your clothes catch fire, the saying is to Stop, Drop, and Roll.

• Baking soda is often considered to smother a grease fire. Yes, I know from experience that if you quickly pour a lot on the fire, it will extinguish the fire.

• Turn on the exhaust fan, but not during a fire, only after the fire is out to clear the smoke. Do not turn on the HVAC system or circulate interior air by using ceiling fans. The unwanted smoke may cause more damage than the flames to previously unaffected items and ruin the indoor air quality.
Whether your home was scorched or heavily damaged, SERVPRO is ready and available to help. When a small grease fire singes your walls or cabinets, don't try to take care of things yourself, contact us for an assessment. Our fire restoration process involves a thorough inspection for damages caused by the fire, smoke, and soot.
If water was used to put out a fire or the chemical from a fire extinguisher was used, we could remove the residue, followed by cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces. We can also provide an immediate board up and roof tarp service if needed.
SERVPRO of Rexburg / Rigby is your local go-to company for all your mold, water, or fire damaging occurrence to your property. Call us at (208) 356-0263 and let us get you back to pre-fire condition "Like it never even happened."

Fire Damage and Your Home

7/21/2016 (Permalink)

Two Story Home That Sustained Fire Damage

Let SERVPRO Get Your House Back To Clean and Healthy After Fire Damage

Romantic moments fill many couples' special time together, but sadly, they can sometimes take a turn for the worse. Candles and colored panels of fabric laid over end table lamps can start fires quickly when they aren't closely supervised (which can be difficult to do when your attention is focused elsewhere during romance). If a fire starts, it will not only ruin your mood, but it will also cause damage to the area it was located.

In Ashton and the surrounding areas, fire damage can be quickly repaired by our professionals. This will help get you and yours back to normal living quickly, and keep your home protected. We know how important your home's sanctity is, and will work with you to repair things to the point where the damage is completely eliminated. Leaving your home “Like it never even happened” is our trademark, and also our goal. We want you to know that even small fires can cause severe damage to walls, ceilings, and the flooring, as well as to surrounding items in your home. We have the knowledge and skills to eliminate the damage professionally and discretely.

Bedrooms are well known to contain a myriad of different substances, from natural fabric clothing to synthetics that produce toxic fumes when exposed to heat. Many of these synthetic fabrics will also melt before they burn, creating a thick smoke in a very short period of time. Because you spend a third of your time sleeping in your bedroom, it's very important to your health that the damage is completely eliminated. Soot contains particles that can cause respiratory problems. These same particles also are what produces the smoke odor that lingers long after a fire, no matter the size, is put out.

We have the equipment and the training to return your bedroom to its formally healthy state, and let you have a good night's rest again. Not only do we have specialized cleaning techniques that are IICRC approved, but we also use equipment that produces ozone, or O3. While ozone exists in the atmosphere naturally, we can produce it in concentrated amounts. This gas is an irritant, so you should not breathe this in, but it quickly dissipates after the machinery is turned off. While in operation, though, the gas permeates porous and semi-porous materials, removing the last traces of soot. What remains behind is a boost of oxygen, and a cleaner, fresher scent that is natural, and reminiscent of the air after a rainfall in the spring.

You can reach our expert professionals by calling SERVPRO of Rexburg / Rigby at (208) 356-0263. Open 24/7, we are always available to not only take your call, but we will also respond with the fastest possible service to your emergency. We want you to be happy, safe, and secure in your home.

Jackson Fire Damage - Measures Against Fire Damage in Jackson

5/11/2016 (Permalink)

Fire damage in Jackson can be a challenging and lengthy process.

Measures Against Jackson Fire Damage

Safeguarding against fire damage in Jackson can be a challenging and lengthy task, but will pay off in the end with every valuable and product saved by your measures. You don't have to lose everything in a large fire -- or even much at all -- so long as significant measures are taken against future fires. Here are some tips towards reducing the damage fire can do to your home or business.
Keep Valuables in a Safe
If you have prized documents or items that are susceptible to fire damage and can't live without them, investing several hundred dollars in a large, sealed, full metal safe may be an excellent solution. Fire can't really burn through solid metal, and so long as the container is sealed, there will also be little oxygen contained within to ignite on its own. Purchasing and maintaining a safe for your valuables can be an excellent investment, as well as good protection against burglaries and other types of natural disasters. A combination lock safe may be the best choice so that the key can not be misplaced.

Minimize the Use of Wooden Cabinets
Wooden cabinets and containers are often the most abundant in a home or business. They are cheap, sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing, and so end up being quite popular. Simply put, these wooden containers are highly flammable, and will all but guarantee the complete destruction of contents within in the event of a fire. Minimize the use of these cabinets, and never keep other important flammable objects or materials within them. The potential for loss is just too great. Luckily, metal and even stone cabinets have become architecturally viable in many homes, so making this transition may be easier than you think.
Don't Pack Things Together
Cluttered, packed homes are often the worst hit by fires. High concentration of flammable materials in one area can lead to large and engulfing flames, hastening and worsening the fire damage of a home or business. Minimizing clutter, trash, and disorganized items and spaces go a long way towards fixing these issues. If you find this to be a prominent issue in your business, there may be even more reasons to reduce the clutter, such as conformity to fire codes and pleasing aesthetics for customers and workers. Keep the clutter down, and you can only improve your home or business' safety against fires.
If you've endured any sort of fire damage recently and are in need of restoration services or advice, please do not hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Rexburg / Rigby at (208) 356-0263.

Rigby Fire Damage--What Should You Do?

4/6/2016 (Permalink)

Rigby Fire Prevention Tool is a Simple Smoke Detector

SERVPRO Restores Fire Damaged Homes in Rigby

Rigby fire damage has attacked your home. You watched as the many things you have accumulated are burned up in flames. The fire department has been there, and they are now rolling up their hoses, what to do next? The fire department has declared the house uninhabitable until brought back up to health and building codes. The electricity is off, and all services such as gas and water have also been turned off. That, of course, creates more confusion as to what comes next.  One of the things you should not do is to go in and start some kind of clean up, in this unsafe environment.

Call your insurance agent to dispatch an adjuster to initiate the fire damage restoration process. Ask your agent to provide an experienced fire damage restoration company to start the rehab of your Rigby home. A program developed by a fire and water restoration company like SERVPRO will assess and inspect the structure and provide a list of items worth saving and those that are non-salvageable. The final decisions are made by you and your adjuster. This company also offers help with your claim and paperwork to lessen your stress and assist in ensuring a fair restitution.

Fire is one thing. It brings with it burned or burned up materials, furniture, walls, ceilings and it deposits such elements as soot, often greasy, and smoke that permeates everything. The soot and smoke damaging deposits are a priority for clean up. Air circulation must be minimized, HVAC units turned off, to prevent the cross contamination of smoke and oily soot. The technicians clean thoroughly all surfaces, coated with soot or smoke residue, with special dry sponges to reduce smearing and streaking.

There is a significant amount of water and fire damage. The extraction of water, as well as anything damaged by the fire, needs rapid action.

SERVPRO conducts the inspection necessary to locate all of the fire and the water damaged materials. Many of these items need to be removed, such as scorched and waterlogged drywall, other structural elements, and furniture, to a degree that it is no longer capable of being useful. Water can be behind some of those walls and might provide a condition for mold growth.

If your Rigby home has been in a fire and you do not want any of these headaches, call SERVPRO of Rexburg / Rigby. The skilled experts can restore your fire damaged home to its pre-loss condition "Like it never even happened." Just call (208) 356-0263.

Fire and Smoke Damage-Structural and Content Cleaning

12/22/2015 (Permalink)

Fire and Smoke Damage to a home and contents

This time of year is busy for cleaning and restoration professionals.  Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on the pipes, water lines and spigots in your home or business.  While water damage is the most common occurrence we deal with this time of year, the cold weather can also bring about another kind of damage---fire and smoke.

Fireplaces, wood burning stoves, portable heaters and other means of keeping warm can be the cause of devastating damage to your home, business and belongings. When a fire affects you or your loved ones, your first call should be to the fire department, and your second call should be to SERVPRO.

Not only can the flames cause serious damage, the soot, smoke residue and ash that is left behind can be just as destructive.  Fire damage leaves behind irritating odor and residue that if left untreated, can cause secondary damage. 

Professional fire damage repair will remove this odor and residue.  This remediation should be done quickly.  Ash is very acidic and will cause materials to deteriorate if it remains too long.  Proper cleanup is crucial to restoring your home, business and personal belongings to their pre-fire condition. 

Improper cleaning of the structure and content can lead to permanent damage.  Chemical agents not specifically created for use in fire and smoke remediation can react with the residue and create toxic and harmful fumes. 

SERVPRO of Rexburg/Rigby has fully trained and certified technicians who have studied the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) guidelines for fire and smoke remediation and have vast experience in both residential and commercial cleanup.

Often, when a fire occurs, you’re not only dealing with the damage from the flames and smoke, there is also the water and chemical used to put the fire out.  These together can be overwhelming.  If left to sit for too long, the risk of secondary damage to structural materials increases exponentially.  The phone call you make to SERVPRO of Rexburg/Rigby could be the one that saves your home or business.

The trust you instill in us to restore your home, business and belongings after a fire damage is something we will never take lightly.  We have the experience, knowledge and training to assist you with all of your specific needs.  We work closely with you and your insurance company to ensure that the process from start to end is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

We specialize in content inventory and cleaning to help restore your belongings affected by soot and smoke damage.  We know that when a fire affects you, your biggest concern is the health and safety of your loved ones.  Returning your property to you, odor free and clean is our number one priority.  A fire damage can be emotionally and physically draining.  Helping to restore and return your memories, prized possessions and important belongings is only a part of the services we provide to help make your loss, “Like it never even happened.”

A quick response after a fire damage occurs makes all the difference in the world.  With 24/7 emergency response and trained, certified, uniformed employees ready to go, SERVPRO of Rexburg/Rigby is faster to any size disaster.

Our friendly, knowledgeable office staff are ready to take the call that will change the way you view the restoration industry.  With free inspections and estimates, you always know what to expect.  Let us help you with your fire and smoke damage needs.  We promise to make your loss, “Like it never even happened.” 

Rexburg/Rigby: (208) 356-0263   We are always here to help.